Aegis Technology Partners


Is the Mac Versus PC Debate Still Relevant Today?

For years, the debate over the differences between Mac and PC has raged on between experts and novices alike. The consensus often reached is that PC is better for work-related tasks, especially ...

Oculus Partners with Xbox, Gains New Hand Controller

Xbox creator, Microsoft, is saying it will “change the face of virtual reality,” and Oculus owners are saying the same. Oculus has partnered with Xbox, and some big things are happening at ...

You know who you are.....

Ok, maybe you're not this bad...

Are Social #Hashtags Still Relevant?

Not so long ago, hashtags were the talk of the town. Every social media platform began to allow them—namely Facebook and Instagram, after Twitter made them an integral part of social communication. ...

How to Help Your Customers Deal With an Increase in Your Rates

Sometimes you just have to raise your prices, and while that’s never a bad thing in your book, some customers may find themselves upset that they suddenly owe you more money monthly ...

The Dangers of “One Size Fits All” Thinking

Not everyone is going to do things the way you do them. Not everyone is going to raise children like you do, and not everyone is going to eat the same way ...

Does Your Business Need a Brick and Mortar Storefront?

Amazon has started adding brick and mortar stores, and several other large online retailers have started to consider doing so as well. While internet transactions are gaining traction, face-to-face sales still eat ...

Ways You Can Appeal to Tablet and Mobile Phone Audiences

Gone are the days where no one had a computer, and gone are the days that no one had a smart phone to browse the internet. The uprising of the mobile device ...

Are You Managing Your Online Reviews?

Online reviews, especially for products that aren’t bought in-store (or can’t be), are incredibly powerful. This is especially true for the businesses that provide these products. If you start to soak up ...

How to Help Your Business Save on Postage Costs

You might not think that postage is costing you that much, but even if you only do one or two mail campaigns a year, they can still result in thousands of dollars ...


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